Get Your Yard Ready for Winter
There’s a chill and the air, and it’s time to stow your Cub Cadet lawn mower for winter. Follow our top five tips and tricks to prepare your yard for winter:
1. Weeding
Remove weeds that are growing in your flower beds, garden, and lawn. This will reduce the chance for them reappearing in the spring.
2. Collect and Compost Leaves
By raking leaves in the fall you will prevent rot from developing on your grass in the spring. Once you have raked the leaves, collect them and place them in your composter, or use your lawn mower to mulch the leaves and use the mulch to protect plant roots over the winter months.
3. Preparing the Soil
It’s a good idea to turn over and aerate the soil in your vegetable and flower gardens. Save yourself time and your back by using a Garden Tiller. By turning over the soil and adding compost as you work you will ensure that you have rich soil for spring planting.
4. Adding Fertilizer
Why not spread some fertilizer this fall? This will help protect the trees, lawn, perennials, and shrubs over winter.
5. Protecting Against Winter
Protect your hedges and shrubs against the wind and cold using mulch, stakes, etc. If the fall weather is dry, don’t hesitate to occasionally water your shrubs and trees.